Special characters for spanish language.
Nicholas Bivens
Nicholas Bivens
Good news! You're now able to special characters like this as well as emojis. Thanks again for your feedback. Keep it coming! :)
Nicholas Bivens
Merged in a post:
Add special characters to link title
Tania De La Peña
Please can you add the chance to write with special characters and spanish characters in link titles? Characters like: ¿?, -, :, ñ, á,é, í, ó, ú, %, # and characters like that please. Also, we should be able to CENTER everything, the title and pictures... Also, the number of characters allowed in the tittle is too small (only 15 characters). We should be able to use more characters and be able to use special characters there too. Thank you.
Claudio Troisemme
¡Exactamente! Qué bueno que ya habilitaron los caracteres especiales.
Claudio Troisemme
Yeahhhh!!!! Nice. :)
Nicholas Bivens
Hi Claudio - thank you for your feedback! Our development team is hard at work to improve url.bio. I reached out to them and they've let me know your request has been added to a list of improvements that will be worked on ASAP :)